Artwork 2019

Lena Katherine Aubrey Artwork 2019

Title: Double Headed Snake 1

Medium: Digital Rendering

Year: 2019

This piece is available on printed canvas and inkjet print in a variety of sizes. To purchase this work, please contact directly.

Title: Double Headed Snake 2

Size: 14”x11”

Medium: Relief Print on Paper

Year: 2019

9 original prints of this piece exist. This piece is also available on printed canvas and inkjet print in a variety of sizes. To purchase this work, please contact directly. 

Purchase products of this artwork here (T-shirts, Stickers, Ect.) :

Lena Aubrey working on Double Headed Snake Print.

Title: Girl Underwater

Size: 10”x8”

Medium: Intaglio Print on Paper

Year: 2019

10 original prints of this piece exist. This piece is also available on printed canvas and inkjet print in a variety of sizes. To purchase this work, please contact directly.

Title: Modern Day Aphrodite

Size: 14” x 11”

Year: 2019

Title: Lady of Darkness 2

Size: 11”x15”

Medium: Relief Print on Paper

Year: 2019

6 original prints of this piece exist. This piece is also available on printed canvas and inkjet print in a variety of sizes. To purchase this work, please contact directly.