
2020: The Anxiety Variety Show

The Anxiety Variety Show at Rhinofest 2020

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About this Play: In the summer of 2019, Cal Walker set out to develop a vaudevillian-style show about mental illness that invited the audience to be part of the experience. This is that show. Audience members are encouraged to react naturally during the piece- verbal responses to questions are welcome! This is not a show for the shy…..

The Creative Team

Director: Iris Sowlat | Stage Manager: Ricki Jay | Lighting Designer: Lena Aubrey | Sound Designer: Jordan Conrad | Board Operator: Don Asalfi | Puppet Design: Ricki Jay


Cal Walker as themselves.

Special Thanks to Liz Chidester, Jackson Doughtery, Kristen Granchalek, Ronan Goforth, Dr. Kurt Kastenhol, Ian Saderholm, Rachel Steiner, Timothy Swaim, Max and Joe Walker, Danny Wightkin, all of our donors, and viewers like you.

Photographed by Lena Aubrey